Texas Community Still Recovering After Deadly Tornado Killed 7 in May

VALLEY VIEW, Texas—Paul Sperry, 59, stepped over thick weeds and grass littered with bent pipes, tangled wires, building insulation, and other debris, looking for anything salvageable.

On a sunny, humid July 29 morning, two months after a tornado that killed seven people demolished his home and boat shop in Valley View, Texas, all that was left was for Sperry to pick up the pieces and try to move on.

Sperry said he lost his home, his business, and all 40 boats in the storm on May 25. The boats weren’t insured.

“You could hear the [boats] beating up in the air,” he said. “I was a little scared.”

Watching the tornado’s path of destruction is something Sperry said he will never forget.

“It was across that way,” Sperry said, pointing to an open field that ran parallel to I[Interstate]-35, 61 miles north of Dallas.

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